HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone: unless, of course, that is if you happen to be Chinese, in which case you haven’t got there yet. You may not know and, indeed, may not care, but Chinese New Year starts on February 8th and it’s the year of the Red Monkey. Actually, I think the Romans had it right when they decided to start the New Year in March. Who wants to start a new lot of twelve months with rainy old January? At least we’ve got the Perisher to look forward to.
THE PERISHER series begins on February 7th. In case you don’t know, it is an informal series run by the Laser Fleet along the lines of Monday night racing, i.e. two short races started by a ‘Gate Boat’, with the committee rib boat doubling up as rescue craft. Sailing Instructions can be found on our in-house web-site where you will also find entry forms off.
ONCE YOU’VE DIVESTED yourself of those extra Christmas Kgs. by sailing a few of the Perisher races, you’ll be in a much happier frame of mind for putting them back on by attending our annual prize giving and dinner. The annual dinner will, this year, take place at ‘Da Vinci’s ‘, on Poole Quay. More details will be sent out shortly, but, essentially, there will be a selection of fixed price menus. We will continue the tradition of providing some wine and soft drinks from fleet funds, but the duration of the flow of this liquid bounty will depend on the state of our finances; my advice, for what it’s worth is that it’s a good idea, on the night, to compliment the Commanding Officer on anything you might feel is relevant: after all, she holds the purse strings! The date of the dinner is February 27th. The cost will be £25.
IF YOU ARE IN POSSESSION of a trophy from last year, you have ignored the Commanding Officer’s instruction, which means that you are a braver man than me! Please make sure that you return it to the main office at the club as soon as possible.
IN DECEMBER’S NEWSLETTER there was a mini competition. Peter Taylor correctly identified the three sailors involved but didn’t get them in the right order, so, close Pete, but no big cigar! The sailor who managed to achieve the feat of not having to count a DNC in all of the six major series was Mark Scott. The two who came close to this (5/6) were Colston and Ann.
HAYLEY, OUR SOCIAL SECRETARY, has kindly offered to provide you with an opportunity to show off your ten pin bowling skills. January 30th is scheduled for the event. If you’d like to perform, please let Hayley know via Facebook etc.
FINALLY, to round off our New Year’s theme, if you were born in September, it’s pretty safe to assume your parents started the New Year with a bang!