I grew up in Portsmouth, learning to sail then race in Langstone and Portsmouth Harbours. After training and practising as a doctor in London, I joined Parkstone YC in 1997.
I started crewing in RS400, then RS200, before my children started to regularly sail in the club’s youth fleets, progressing through AB’s, Cadets, Commodore Challenge team and finally RS200s. During this period I was AB class captain, Youth Week PRO and Youth Week Coordinator, holding each post for a couple of years.
Strålende is the family Nordic folkboat, berthed in the Haven. She has enjoyed success over the years in the RTIR, Folkboat week and other Solent regattas. My wife Sarah and I also crew on XODs and keel boats belonging to the many Parkstone members with whom club membership has fostered enduring friendships.
As I approach retirement I endeavour to find more time to step back up the volunteering roles that make our club so successful.