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Autumn Series Rib Duties


We agreed at our 2023 AGM,  that we would have a standby rota to crew a RIB if conditions require it (e.g. strong wind, cold, U flag needed) for the Autumn Saturday Series.  Whether we mobilise the RIB will be the RO’s call.  Hopefully the following rules will make this fair for all:

  • Numbers of entered boats will br drawn out of a hat to create a rota
  • When the RO decides a RIB is needed, the class captain or his representative  will call on whoever is next on the list to step up as required – unless there is a volunteer. 
  • Whoever is called to do a RIB duty will get average points for that race. 
  • Anyone volunteering will drop to the end of the rota
  • Anyone not around on a day when they are at the top of the rota will stay at the top of the rota
  • The rota will carry over to next year so that those who have done a duty this year are at the bottom of the list going forward

The rota is below. It was produced using a random sequence generator (no audit or verification!).  It is appreciated that not all these boats will be entered in the Autumn Series.  Once the entries are finalised, The list will be shuffled moving those not entered to the bottom.  If a team isn’t present on a day when they are at the top of the rota, the next team will be called (and the missing team will stay at the top of the rota).  Also, a team doesn’t want to sail but is happy to volunteer for RIB duty, they’ll drop to the bottom of the rota – and finally average points will be awarded to teams doing RIB duty.

Rota for 2024

Rib Rota Boat
3 4111
4 4025
5 3934
6 3936
7 3971
8 4101
11 3793
14 4114
15 4088
18 3851
20 4020
21 3974
22 3965
23 4036
24 3901
27 3821
28 3922
29 4125
30 4058
31 4027
32 3966
34 4052